To My Dear Readers and Dear Listeners:

 No sooner had I posted my (wonderful) podcast with Kim Reichhelm, than I started to feel queasy.  In short order I was felled by a respiratory infection that got me in its grip and refused to let go.  I won’t regale you with my abundant symptoms (the photo above bears silent witness to my body’s gift for effluvial production); suffice it to say, I was reduced to total helplessness that persisted for days.

 I’m on the mend now, thank the Lord, but not yet up to par. With your kind indulgence, I’m going to take a brief sabbatical from churning out new content until my recovery is complete. I fully intend to return to my usual publishing schedule in the not-too-distant future.  I will continue to answer all Member Consultation requests, so please share queries as they arise and I’ll do my best to get back to you ASAP.

 Lest anyone feel shortchanged by this temporary suspension of newsletter and podcast publication, I remind you that my weekly Revelations and podcasts are a FREE service that always are available for the edification of all my Dear Readers and Dear Listeners.

 With eternal gratitude for your continued support, I remain

 Your Humble Servant,


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