It’s been a rough first half of the ski season. The 24/25 season began with a whimper, not a bang, when most major ski brands belatedly realized their sales targets were unattainable. Unsold skis were clogging the supplier-to-retailer pipeline; even shiny new models...
To describe skiers as a resilient lot wouldn’t be wrong, just woefully insufficient. Skiers are determined to ski no matter how many battles with gravity they have lost. Many have been brutally mauled, patched back together and hustled back into the fray while their...
Today’s Revelation has been several weeks in the making. In the course of researching it, I’ve unearthed several disturbing trends that are tearing at the fabric of our sport: Some equipment suppliers are recklessly jamming their over-production into the market,...
*By “Special Offer,” we mean “Obsequious Solicitation.” It’s not like we haven’t tried. In our tireless efforts to increase our gross receipts, we’ve resorted to double-billing, even triple-billing, but our over-educated readership must employ...
If Bloomberg Business doled out financial advice as transparently idiotic and unresearched as its ski gear advice, Bloomberg – and all its clients- would be bankrupt. Dear Readers: The following bit of tripe was recently re-published by Apple News after first...