Ski Luminaries Explain Why You Should Listen to Jackson

Ski Luminaries Explain Why You Should Listen to Jackson

The American ski market has never seen so many new and returning skiers in need of good information, yet this critical commodity is currently in short supply. The dearth of authentic print titles leaves skiers to the tender mercies of the Internet, a no-holds-barred...
The Bottom of the Barrel

The Bottom of the Barrel

While prowling the underbelly of the Internet, I’ve come across all manner of idiotic “Top Ten” gear recommendations, dooming whoever dares believe them to irredeemable misery. Every one of them seems to make its selections by lottery, for they all end up with a...
Reflections of a Ski Tester on Trade Fair Eve

Reflections of a Ski Tester on Trade Fair Eve

Before delving into the nitty-gritty of today’s Revelation, allow me to apologize for having missed a couple of deadlines, but I have a couple of very good excuses: I had to attend the recent reunion of what remains of our national ski show in order to maintain...
ChatGPT AI Has Ski Patter Down Cold

ChatGPT AI Has Ski Patter Down Cold

If you thought that the quality of ski journalism – in particular the branch devoted to the world of in-resort, Alpine skiing – was already in a tailspin, you’d better take another Xanax and tighten your seat belt. You’re about to be fed force-fed hogwash...
Seven Things We Think You Know

Seven Things We Think You Know

One of the foundational elements of many misunderstandings is cemented in place when one side of a relationship presumes the other is operating at a level of knowledge, vocabulary and general awareness that they do not, in fact, possess.  No one likes to be taken...