2019 Powder

The fattest of the fatties (>113mm) are true specialty sticks, meant for when the snow is so deep even a 108mm won’t float high enough. This reality won’t keep some folks from sporting them every day, but this is lunatic-fringe behavior as hauling a barge around on...

The 2019 Powder Field

Not much has changed since last season. There are no totally new models in this over-served category, and only four, the Salomon QST 118, Fischer Ranger 115, K2 Pinnacle 118 and Bent Chetler 120, tweaked their construction but without changing their shape. Not much...

Finesse Favorites: Easy Access for All

When Atomic first introduced the Magic Powder around 1990, it was a mere curio, a fringe ski for punters in over their heads on a heli trip. Ten years later, the landscape had flipped over so the widest skis were “AK” models made for the guides, not their ducklings....

The Naturals: Brilliant Balance

As I was sorting the Powder skis I’d essayed at Mammoth into Finesse and Power piles, three models emerged that resisted categorization. To pigeonhole them as Power skis would obscure their exceptional willingness to operate from any stance and remain tractable at any...

Power Picks: Shredding the Gnar

Any ski over 113mm underfoot can be thrown into a skid, but some would prefer it if the pilot knew how to point ‘em.   Our Power picks not only aren’t afraid of speed, they live for it and to one degree or another, require it.   Imagine you’re heli-skiing on a pitch...

Finesse Favorites: Kicking Back

The original idea behind making a ski as fat as 110mm underfoot wasn’t to open previously unskiable terrain to world-class athletes but to allow those without such skills to be able to navigate less forbidding pitches when the snow was knee deep. Our Finesse Favorites...