2019 Head Worldcup Rebels i.Speed Pro

Ski Stats

Sidecut 119/68/99
Radius 18m @ 180cm
Lengths 170,175,180,185
Weight 2495g (ski with plate)
MSRP $1200
Power Score: 8.77

Finesse Score: 7.71

Sometimes it seems every new model in the Age of Lighter is Better is being made for some pixie who can’t bend a real ski. Put a big man who knows how to motivate down the hill on one of these weak reeds and it will fold like a $5 lawn chair. So it was interesting to read the comments of Corty Lawrence, a full-sized dude (and one of the best boot fitters of his, or any other, generation) when we pried him off the i.Speed Pro after several scorching runs. To compress Corty’s impressions into an aphorism Yoda might utter, “Total commitment yields total reward.” If you know where the accelerator is and aren’t afraid to stomp on it, you’re the target pro for the i.Speed Pro.

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