
If one were to distill Fischer to its essence, the resulting elixir would be made of equal parts precision and speed.   Rigorous quality control has been the defining feature of its corporate culture going back to the days of Vacuum Technic that ensured even distribution of glue in an era of loosey-goosey QC.   The infatuation with speed comes with the territory, namely Austria, where winning World Cups is considered a national necessity on a par with strudel and snow. 

Despite the recent spectacular results of American racers on the World Cup, American interest in alpine racing remains a pale shadow of Austria’s national obsession with the sport.  As skiers, we gravitate towards models that are more forgiving than precise.  Except where Fischer is concerned.  Over the course of the past decade, the Fischer models our panelists have preferred ran contrary to the Zeitgeist of the smeared turn; they were unapologetically accurate and geared to run smoothly on the Autobahn.   In the language of Realskiers, Fischer has had its greatest success making Power models that reward speed and technical skill. 

Fischer’s fortunes in the American market found a fresh foothold when the brand introduced its first boot a couple of decades ago. Fischer capitalized on its opportunity when it created a moldable shell material it could vacuum-fit around the skier’s forefoot. Overnight, Fischer went from being a bit player in the boot world to a market force.  As other brands with more market penetration entered the heat-molding fray, Fischer gradually lost ground to more convenient methods. 

On the ski front, Fischer’s credibility with the racing community has never been in question, but supporting racing in the U.S. entails as much expense as revenue, so building up the brand’s image with the recreational market has been job one.  In the arcane arena of slo-mo, where skiers race uphill instead of down, Fischer’s mastery of lightweight design, developed in the cross-country sector, makes it a market leader. But this is likely to remain a fringe activity in America, so cracking the mainstream market is still the paramount objective.

 There are basically two sides of the recreational coin, on-trail, where carving is the desired skill, and off-trail, where the ski needs to be looser.  Fischer has always had game in the carving arena, going back to the era of the first shaped skis, when it made one model with a tail wider than the tip.  More recently, its Progressor series of carvers achieved both acclaim and a measure of popularity, as did the Curv collection that followed.

The race-derived The Curv has retained a toe-hold in the collection since its inception, even as Fischer cooked up other carvers to challenge its place in the pantheon of great edging machines. The most recent pretender to The Curv’s throne were the RC One GT models that wowed our test panel with their power and accuracy on edge. The RC Ones didn’t kowtow to the cult of all things lightweight, but instead poured on the Titanal for a grip as fierce as King Kong’s handshake.

It’s on the ungroomed, backside side of the mountain where Fischer has struggled to establish the identity of its multi-model Ranger series.  The first series were basically wider race skis, a clear misfire, so the next series was ultra-light, which didn’t fare much better. Up until two years ago, Rangers came in two iterations, one with Titanal and one without, and both were better than anything that came before. 

A brand is only as good as the people it can attract, and six years ago Fischer added one of the most admired men in the equipment world to its roster, Mike Hattrup. (BTW, 2024 marked the 25th anniversary of Greg Stump’s magnum opus, The Blizzard of Aahhhs, in which Hattrup teamed up with Scot Schmidt and Glen Plake to create celluloid magic.) Hattrup is well known for his work in the backcountry arena, so he was especially qualified to guide the creation of the new generation of Rangers that debuted two seasons ago. 

In the current market conditions, the backcountry market is on fire, and Fischer is well positioned to capitalize.  Its hybrid Ranger boots are, frankly, the best Alpine boots Fischer has ever made, and more products that will work both in-resort and in the backcountry are most likely in a short pipeline.  

On a more somber note, the Fischer factory in Ukraine, the largest in the world, burned down in the fall of 2020.  It has been completely rebuilt and is again capable of churning out wood-core skis by the truckload. Of course, Ukraine is top-of-mind now for other reasons. Currently, the re-built factory isn’t in imminent danger, but the geopolitical picture remains unstable and unpredictable.

As predicted in this space, Fischer introduced its new Ranger series two years ago. The pendulum-swing between metal and no-metal iterations ended somewhere in the middle: every 2024/25 Ranger (except the lowest rung on the price/performance ladder) has a Titanal configuration underfoot that extends farther into the tip and tail the narrower the Ranger it adorns.  Because the dose of Titanal is carefully calibrated, the tip and tail stay playfully loose and the overall sensation leans to the Finesse side of the Finesse/Power divide.  As is entirely appropriate for an expressly off-trail series, the design of the latest Rangers tends to favor the wider widths, particularly in the broken, ungroomed terrain where they shine.

Like the sheriff who rode into a rough-and-tumble western town as an out-of-towner, quickly earned the respect of the locals, brought peace to the valley and then rode on, Hattrup, after successfully re-creating the Ranger series, has taken his considerable talent to Black Diamond. A great fit for a great person, who richly deserved his recent induction into the  U.S. Ski & Snowboard Hall of Fame.

One thing Hattrup didn’t change about the Ranger series: men’s and women’s models remain the same construction throughout the line.

The 2025 Season

For the 2025 season, Fischer has restored The Curv series to its former glory, expanding this corner of its collection to 8 models, all loaded with Titanal laminates, a full sheet of Fischer’s proprietary Diagofiber dampening material, and built with The Curv signature, triple-radius sidecut.  Compared to the RC One’s they supplant, the new The Curv’s are wider and softer, adapted more for a weekend warrior than an ex-racer who travels at warp speed. The most popular The Curv among experts remains the venerable The Curv GTX, with its skinny waistline and elevated interface that accentuates the triple-radius effect. 

With The Curv GT 85 Redefine, Fischer joins the ranks of ski manufacturers intent on reducing their carbon footprint.  The Curv GT 85 Redefine is produced entirely in Austria, using an energy-efficient supply chain. Its construction uses flax fibers in lieu of glass or carbon, recycled AL4®ever Titanal® and 50% recycled materials in the base and sidewalls.  Overall, The Curv GT 85 Redefine saves 36% CO² equivalent, a promising start to what will be a long road to carbon neutrality. 

Ranger 102

I’m not privy to Fischer’s sales numbers, but I’d bet dollars to donuts that the Ranger 102 FR was its most popular Ranger until it was discontinued two years ago to make way for the latest Ranger 102 (sans suffix). The qualities that made the 102 FR the star product of the old Rangers were its smeary, playful baseline, its metal-free construction – making it lighter and torsionally softer – and the fact that it …READ MORE

Ranger 102

When Fischer made the decision to be gender neutral in its 2023 Ranger ski line – meaning men’s and women’s models would use the identical recipe and even the same names – it did so by blending the constructions (and consequent behaviors) of its existing Ti and FR designs. As the Ti designs entailed metal (duh) and the more rockered FR skis did not, the blended design was almost certain to have Titanal in it, …READ MORE

Ranger 108

Now that the Fischer Ranger series share a common construction, they also share a similar behavioral profile. Nothing affects a modern ski quite as much as the addition or subtraction of Titanal, so when Rangers were made both with and without Ti laminates, their performance profile would change radically from one model to the next. In 2023, Fischer homogenized the Ranger line by doling out a measure of metal in every model. By dint of …READ MORE

Ranger 90

Two years ago, after several seasons of toil behind the R&D curtain, Fischer rolled out a completely overhauled Ranger line of off-trail models. The new clan consisted of hybrids that blended the two branches of the previous Ranger clan, the surfy FR series and the more connected Ti models. All the new Rangers received a dose of .5mm-thick Titanal underfoot married to a fairly loose tip and tail. As befits the family name, they all …READ MORE

Ranger 90

[Fischer’s Ranger women’s models are identical to their unisex counterparts. It’s in this spirit that we reprise our unisex review of the Ranger 90, whose every word is as applicable to its “women’s” version.] Fischer spent several seasons behind the R&D curtain re-imagining its entire Ranger collection of off-trail models. The result was a family of hybrids that blended the two branches of the previous Ranger clan, the surfy FR series and the more connected …READ MORE

Ranger 96

Prior to the 22/23 season, Fischer had subdivided its Ranger family of off-trail models into two distinct clans, indicated by their suffixes: Ti, for those with metal in the mix, and FR, for those without. Among Fischer aficionados, the softer and surfier Ranger FR models had a more distinct, looser character that distinguished them from the large cadre of all-mountain skis with metal in them. In the Realskiers scoring system, which favors snow connection over …READ MORE

Ranger 96

For several seasons, Fischer subdivided its Ranger family of off-trail models into two distinct clans, indicated by their suffixes: Ti, for those with metal in the mix, and FR, for those without. Among Fischer aficionados, the softer and surfier Ranger FR models had a more distinct, looser character that distinguished them from the large cadre of all-mountain skis with metal in them. Two years ago, Fischer debuted an entirely new Ranger series, ushered from the …READ MORE

The Curv GT 80

The latest iteration of Fischer’s long-running Curv series of carvers, the Curv GT 80, is the most traditional, unabashed, groomed-snow partisan among our Women’s Frontside Recommended models. Like its fellow Austrian brand Head, Fischer was an early adopter of the Carving crusade, an allegiance that has never wavered. The Curv series was inaugurated in 2016/17, when three racing legends were commissioned to create the ultimate carving machine. The original Curv’s were most definitely cut from …READ MORE

The Curv GT 85

As befits a flagship model, The Curv 85 GT is a showcase for Fischer’s best technology. In addition to two .8mm Titanal laminates, a full sheet of Diagofiber, Fischer’s signature synthetic shock dampener, quiets the ride from tip to tail. The Curv’s distinctive triple radius sidecut (short-long-short) is facilitated by thickening the core underfoot so the addition of edge angle tightens the turn shape automatically. Topping it all off, literally, is a wear-resistant topsheet of …READ MORE