The ski gear season that lies just ahead of us will, at least superficially, look a lot like the season that just...
The 2022/23 Season in Retrospect
It snowed again in Reno last Monday night, an unnecessary reminder that this season might never end. But while skiing...
The Big Squeeze: Why it Pays to Understand the Brand
We live in difficult times. I’m not referring to the messes mankind is making on every macro level, but the state of...
The Making of a Skier, Part VII: The Snow Country Years
I quit my dream job because of a dream. I was staying at the Hotel Lenado in Aspen, escorted by my lovely bride...
The Dropout’s Guide to Skiing
During ski season I work a few days almost every week fitting boots at Bobo’s, which affords me the opportunity to...
The Making of a Skier, Part VI: Salomon Office Daze
A rock impresario who happens to be a dear friend of mine ascribes the secret of success to “timing and lighting.”...
On Drifting
[On Drifting is Chapter 14 of Snowbird Secrets, A Guide to Big Mountain Skiing, which I co-wrote with “Guru” Dave...
Tip Your Bootfitter
For some of my faithful following, the suggestion made by this Revelation’s 3-word title (ecclesiastics are fond...
2020 Powder Skis
Powder skis represent the triumph of optimism over the dictates of reason. There’s only one reason to own a Powder...
When Should You Replace Your Boot Liners?
Once a skier finds a great fitting boot, it can be very hard to let it go. I’ve seen boots manufactured during the... Wins First Stump-Bertoni Prize Receives Prestigious Award! Wins First Stump-Bertoni Prize In a stunning upset that has...